Black Friday - Less things, more experiences.
Today in the United States consumers participate in the largest shopping day of the season, the day that financially predicts the holiday buying season. It's a big day for retailers, however, I'm not so sure that it's great for consumers.
Our family abides by the motto "less things, more experiences." I often wish that instead of buying so many tangible goods, we'd purchase services, classes, outdoor trips, etc. I really like REI's Black Friday #optoutside event. It challenges us to get outside and spend time together.
There's a lot of emotion in purchasing gifts. We want to make people feel good, feel special, feel loved. However, I think that's better achieved with experiences rather than things. Do you remember the toys you got every year for your birthday or the holidays? Outside from a bike one year, I surely don't. I do however remember family vacations, events, and parties. I remember going to sleep away camp, a gift I got for my birthday one year. Trips, experiences, that's what lasts in our memories forever.